Emergencies can happen suddenly and without warning. The first step is to call our number and either speak to us about what to do for first aid or, if after hours, the answering machine will give you an emergency number you can call for advice.
Not everything that happens to your pet needs to be seen by a vet immediately.
The person on the phone will ask you what is happening to your pet, and give you instructions if you need to do any first aid before heading down to our hospital or to the emergency centre. Phoning ahead also gives the staff time to get ready to receive your pet, just like at a human hospital.
Some emergencies require emergency surgery or procedures. The vets will discuss with you what these procedures involve once they have assessed and stabilised your pet. They will also discuss the risks and reasons for and against performing the procedures and explain your options, so that you can decide what is best for you and your pet.
Some procedures and surgeries can be performed here at our hospital, while in other cases it will mean us stabilising your pet so you can take it to a referral hospital for more intensive care. Whatever the problem, we will work with you to get the best care possible for your treasured family member.